16 Years and Counting: Florida’s EdReform is Changing Lives

In the past 16 years of student-centered policies, Florida has reversed a generation of decline in education.

Quote by Florida Teacher, Kelly Zunkiewicz

Sixteen years ago, Governor Jeb Bush signed Florida’s A+ Plan for Education. This cemented into law the fundamental belief that all students can learn and that allowing some children to be left behind was simply unacceptable.

The A+ Plan included holding schools accountable for results through grading schools on an A – F scale, setting high Quote by Florida mom, Tracy Richardson-Jamesexpectations, rewarding success, attracting talent to the classroom and offering parents an unprecedented array of educational choices.

Throughout the last 16 years, policies have expanded, programs improved and new reforms added in Florida’s pursuit of an education system that is truly centered on student learning. Florida’s systemic transformation now serves as a national model for raising student achievement.

Before student-centered policies were enacted, nearly half of Florida’s fourth graders were functionally illiterate and Florida’s graduation rate was at 60 percent. But in the past 16 years of student-centered policies, Florida has reversed a generation of decline in education.

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